Put On the Gospel Armor

The hymn Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus counseled us to “Put on the gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer” Milton Vincent, in his “Gospel Primer,” points out that all of the spiritual armor given in Ephesians 6 is synonymous with the gospel. He encourages us to take heed of the call to “take up” and “put on” this gospel armor. This means we do not automatically come under the benefit and protection of these things. Join me in prayerfully putting on:

Belt of Truth: I was broken and lost and beyond self rescue. My sin called forth just wrath from God who is righteous and Holy and perfect in every way. Instead of wrath I was met by his incredible love. I did not deserve this but it was granted to me freely. Not for my righteousness, did he show love to me but Christ died for me while I was still a sinner.

Breastplate of Righteousness: Jesus had come and though He was tempted in every way He remained without sin. Even still, He became sin for me and bore my punishment and the wrath I deserved. He granted me His perfect righteousness that I would be counted righteous. In doing this He brought me peace with God.

Shoes of Readiness of gospel peace: Because of Jesus, my feet can bring me into the presence of almighty God. I was once far off, alienated, an enemy of God. He has brought me near and has made me, instead, a beloved child of God. The Gospel is not only a call for me, weary and heavy laden, to come to Him and find rest for my soul but it is also a call to go out from Him into all the world making disciples. How beautiful are the feet shod with such good news.

Shield of faith: Though I know that I have been forgiven in Christ and my nature has been changed by Him, I continue to wrestle with the old nature and the sin which can so easily entangle. My selfish and sinful flesh leans toward friendship with a God-hating and God-opposing world. The evil one assaults me with temptations of various kinds and with relentless accusations. My only defense is Jesus Christ, his work and his promise. All my hope is in Him.

Helmet of Salvation: I know I am forgiven and being forgiven. I am called holy and I am being made holy. He is sanctifying me day by day and will one day bring me into his great glory where the very presence of sin will be eradicated. I long for the day when sin will be no more and I can have the reward purchased for me by Jesus on that cruel cross. HE IS MY REWARD! The suffering of this life is not worth comparing to the richness of that glorious reward.

Sword of the Spirit: Until that day I remain watchful and prayerful and engaged in a spiritual battle. This is not a day of leisure and rest but a day to draw into God’s word and engage in his work. I do this in confidence, not in my own abilities but knowing that if I abide in Him and His word abides in me then I will be strong and effective. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.

Having prepared to stand. Stand Firm! Let us hold the line today!